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Adult Survey
Youth Survey
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The REVEAL (Race Education Video Engagement and Leadership) program model of building racial understanding through video discussions and production, is being piloted at the Crosswinds School in Woodbury, Minnesota. Crosswinds is a unique school where parents from St. Paul and surrounding suburban communities can choose an integrated environment by choice. The planning process, the curricula employed, video clips viewed, process utilized and the final video product will be well documented in order to share this process with other East Metro Integration District members and schools and with others throughout this community and state. In fact, next year, we anticipate replicating the program in other locations.

In phase one, facilitators engage students in an interactive process of viewing video clips that feature the two primary themes of 1). the racial socialization of racism and racial polarization and 2). how racial and cultural collaboration begins to emerge. Students will discuss these carefully selected short film excerpts in facilitated small groups. This leads into the second phase where students will learn the fine art of documenting. Using small video cameras they will capture examples of racial polarity and that of racial collaboration from their lives and in their school. Working with Marlina Gonzalez, a professional film producer, the students will achieve the final product of having an edited film composed of a collection of their personal and collective film clips on this subject.

REVEAL survey graphicThe final phase will provide ample opportunity for students to share their film and learning with other students, adults and community members. In addition to the tangible product of the exhibition, Crosswinds administration will also engage participants in a process to review the policies and practices of the school to advise ways of building inter-racial collaboration within the school community, as a committed group of Crosswinds parents, teachers, staff and school administrators have had a parallel program which is uses our action, discussion and reflection methodology.

We invite you to take either the STUDENT SURVEY or the ADULT SURVEY now. REVEAL Project team members will analyze the data by age, gender, community of residence, etc. and make it available to everyone both on the website and in our report.


© 2003 HarmonyWorks